I remove the weed.
I plant the seed.
I eliminate the need to see if they choose to feed.
It’s in love, not greed that I continue this deed.
If they wish to let it grow, in time it will show.
That’s for them to know, if it does sow.
I let that need to know, go.
I plant the seed.
I eliminate the need to see if they choose to feed.
It’s in love, not greed that I continue this deed.
If they wish to let it grow, in time it will show.
That’s for them to know, if it does sow.
I let that need to know, go.
what resonates, and have solace in knowing that we can be ‘wrong’ at
anytime. True wisdom lies in the fact that we may not know anything. It
is freeing to see it this way for now, you are open to new information at
anytime with far less judgements. By insisting you are right, you are clinging
and defending belief systems. This binds
you to your ego. To release the
shackles of ego, listen to the information that is presented to you with open
ears of the heart. Feel with heart resonance if it is truth.
is freeing to see it this way for now, you are open to new information at
anytime with far less judgements. By insisting you are right, you are clinging
and defending belief systems. This binds
you to your ego. To release the
shackles of ego, listen to the information that is presented to you with open
ears of the heart. Feel with heart resonance if it is truth.
The external
world will change when we change within. Eventually the world will shift
accordingly, when enough of the mass consciousness does the internal
work. People concentrate on changing the world, fighting for this cause or the
next, and become frustrated when they see that things remain as they are. True
change will occur from the inside. Look, observe, feel all your inner states.
Remove the belief systems that are weighing you down. Watch when your ego is
keeping you away from your natural state of peace. What story/emotion caused you
to feel that way or behave in that way? Get to the core of the emotion or
situation, observe it all…feel it in all its intensity and then, let it go. Do
not judge yourself for behaving in a certain way, for situations arise for us to
observe what we are still hanging onto to, in order for us to release it.
Concentrate on changing yourself and though working on yourself, the world will
world will change when we change within. Eventually the world will shift
accordingly, when enough of the mass consciousness does the internal
work. People concentrate on changing the world, fighting for this cause or the
next, and become frustrated when they see that things remain as they are. True
change will occur from the inside. Look, observe, feel all your inner states.
Remove the belief systems that are weighing you down. Watch when your ego is
keeping you away from your natural state of peace. What story/emotion caused you
to feel that way or behave in that way? Get to the core of the emotion or
situation, observe it all…feel it in all its intensity and then, let it go. Do
not judge yourself for behaving in a certain way, for situations arise for us to
observe what we are still hanging onto to, in order for us to release it.
Concentrate on changing yourself and though working on yourself, the world will
In the meantime, if you feel compelled
to continue to speak out against human rights, do so.Just remember: we
ALL agreed to it ALL, every experience, even what is deemed as
‘negative.’ For the soul remains
neutral, and applies no judgement to what it experiences. It is the mind that
sees the situation as positive or negative. As you continue to spread awareness
and truth to others, try to refrain how your message is received. It is ego, not unconditional
love that fears or becomes upset when our message is not received in the way we expected. Share
with love, and let go of the expectation on how it will be received.
As you continue to spread spiritual messages, some people may
state that your messages are
flighty, unrealistic or idealistic. So be it, that is their perception. Do not
let others judgements of your message silence your truth. Also, let go of the
need for wanting people to believe that another world is possible. Those that
will awaken to that truth in this lifetime will. Simply share with love knowing
you are assisting with the awakening. Let go of the need to convert an awaking
in people. It becomes exhausting and futile. You cannot force it upon people.
The ones that are ready to hear your message will.
neutral, and applies no judgement to what it experiences. It is the mind that
sees the situation as positive or negative. As you continue to spread awareness
and truth to others, try to refrain how your message is received. It is ego, not unconditional
love that fears or becomes upset when our message is not received in the way we expected. Share
with love, and let go of the expectation on how it will be received.
As you continue to spread spiritual messages, some people may
state that your messages are
flighty, unrealistic or idealistic. So be it, that is their perception. Do not
let others judgements of your message silence your truth. Also, let go of the
need for wanting people to believe that another world is possible. Those that
will awaken to that truth in this lifetime will. Simply share with love knowing
you are assisting with the awakening. Let go of the need to convert an awaking
in people. It becomes exhausting and futile. You cannot force it upon people.
The ones that are ready to hear your message will.
Much love,
Angie Mammoliti
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